Where the Sea meets the Clay...


Samantha from Sea and Clay and I have a lot in common. Our love of Netflix, our love/hate relationship with computer work and the fact we both admire Chelsea Handler’s attitude when it comes to not caring what people think about her. To KEEP GOING is the biggest lesson Sam has learnt from being in business and wouldn’t you know it, I also agree. There are times self doubt or Imposter Syndrome creeps in and you think people won’t like what you create but you gotta keep going. With her range of gorgeous products it’s very hard to imagine anyone not falling in love with them…we’re super happy Sam has kept going and we’re fortunate enough to include some of her range in our carefully handpicked gift boxes.

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Why are you doing what you do/motivation to start your business?

It started with me making my mum a birthday present, I have always been a massive fan of handmade gifts especially when it came to my mum. I had recently bought a little candle making set and was testing things out in our kitchen at home and I just fell in love with making things which then led to me creating Sea + Clay.

How did you decide on your brand/business name/any specific meaning behind it?

I took the inspiration for my business name from the small beach town of Mangawhai, New Zealand, a place where beaches and farmland are in close proximity. Literally where the sea meets the clay. I had lived in Mangawhai for years before me, my boyfriend and our fur babies moved to live in Whangarei, New Zealand. So the name Sea + Clay pays homage to that town. To my wonderful surprise it also works really well for a natural skincare business name seeing as I use sea salt and clays in my products! haha

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Biggest lesson you’ve learnt in business?

KEEP GOING! I have had moments that have been really hard and left me unsure if I have done the right thing and if people are going to like what I make. When I have bad days or doubtful moments I take a break and then get back up and keep going because if I like what I am doing then there will be someone else out there that does to.

Got a tip for the best way to use/consume your product?

One of the things I love about my products is that most of them don’t have a single way of using them. An example of this is I have a bath tea that I originally used to have a bath, It comes with a muslin bag that makes it easy to soak without the mess of cleaning up wet petals but I also found I can use the bath tea as a facial steam just by changing the way I use the bath tea. Which is super helpful if I don’t feel like having a bath but still want to use the tea.

What are some small things that make your day?

Dogs + Cats! I have 2 dogs and 3 cats (crazy I know) a little cuddle from them always make me feel great. People sending me pictures of animals also makes my day, I just love them. Taking breaks to just relax also helps to appreciate the small things.

What takes up too much of your time?

Computer work. I have a love hate relationship with computer work. I love doing it until I know I have to do it.

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Favourite thing to do to relax/unwind?

Netflix! Having a meal on the couch while wrapped in a blanket and watching Netflix is like the perfect time for me. It’s a time when I don’t have to think about ‘what’s next’ or ‘what do I have to do’, it’s such a simple thing but it is so comforting, and my brain instantly shuts off.

What are you most grateful and thankful for in your life?

My friends, family and my fur babies. Somehow these wonderful people and animals have found their way into my life and are all just so supportive and loving. I am so grateful for them.

What TV show has you hooked at the moment?

The umbrella academy! Ru-Paul’s Drag Race! Also (not Netflix but a weirdly awesome show) American Gods. I could go on and on listing shows. I am addicted to Netflix...

If you could invite three famous people for cocktails and canapes - who would they be?

Oooh this one is hard. Chelsea Handler, because she is funny and does not care what people think! Also I’m sure she has some really interesting stories. Kristen Bell, because she is so sweet and cares about so many important things and I feel like she is just sunshine in a person. My last one just popped into my head and I was like oh YES! I would choose Trevor Noah, he’s the host of the daily show and so funny and so full of knowledge about random things happening in the world. It would be a very funny cocktails and canapes party.

You can find Sea and Clay products in our Just Pause and Soak Gift Boxes

Follow Sea and Clay on instagram here or check out their website

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